2024 Quiz 9

This week’s quiz is prepared by Greg Bartemes in association with Beau Rugg and Dr. Bruce Maurer. Click here to view a PDF of the quiz along with the answers.

NFHS Rules

  1. A 4th/12 at K’s 23 YL, K82 punts the ball to R’s 48 YL. While blocking in the backfield prior to the kick K45 is flagged for holding. A) R26 returns the kick to K’s 32 YL or B) R26 returns the kick for a TD. What are R’s options in both A and B?

  2. K 4th/12 at K’s 13 YL, K82’s punt is blocked and the ball is recovered by the RT at K’s 8 YL. While blocking in the backfield prior to the kick K45 is flagged for holding. The R gave the options to the HC of accepting the penalty and have K re-kick or decline and it will be their ball RT. 1st/goal from the 8 YL.

  3. K is kicking off after a score. K89 barely kicks the ball so it is slowly rolling toward R’s free kick line. The ball almost rolled to a stop at K’s 48 YL before K89 covered the ball. The U came in and threw his/her flag for illegal touching. Is this correct?

  4. A12 is rolling right to avoid a rush & getting very close to the LOS. A12 spots a receiver and throws a pass downfield off his/her back foot which was clearly behind the LOS but their front foot was off the ground breaking the plan of the NZ. The U ruled a legal pass since the QB was touching the ground behind the LOS.

  5. A 3rd/6 at B’s 40 YL. A22 is running a sweep right when he/she is hit, causing a fumble. The ball is rolling near the SL. B41 is ready to scope up the fumble at B’s 38 YL when A81 slides underneath the B player and kicks the ball OOB at the B 39YL. What are the options?

  6. A 3rd/9 at A’s 38 YL. A’s formation has A82 wide right on the LOS and A89 on the right side also on the LOS as a tight end. At the snap A82 runs a post over the middle and A89 runs an out pattern 6 yards downfield. A14 throws a pass to: A) A82 for a first down; or B) A89 for a first down. Legal plays?

  7. A is running a hurry up offense with less than 2 minutes in the 2nd qtr. A throws for a first down to B’s 22 YL. A hurries to the line and snaps the ball with the QB in a shotgun. The snap is low but the QB catches it cleanly on a short hop then raises and immediately throws the ball forward to the ground. Legal play?

OHSAA Mechanics

  1. B choses to enforce an A UNS penalty for celebration after a TD on the subsequent KO. The BJ secures the new ball after the Try and jogs to the -25YL, signals the UNS foul to the PB and hands the ball to the kicker after instruction.

  2. A lines up for a 2-point Try after a score. A32 runs the ball off tackle but is stopped at the ½ YL. The LJ pinches in strong and signals no score.

OHSAA Regulations

  1. Toward the end of the 2Q the play clock at the opposite end of the field quits working. Since the PC was opposite the direction the offense was going, the R told the Crew to let it go and see if we can get it fixed at halftime.