2023 Quiz 1

This week’s quiz is prepared by Eric Mauk in association with Beau Rugg and Dr. Bruce Maurer. Click here to view a PDF of the quiz along with the answers.


  1. With 14 seconds left in the fourth quarter and leading 22-20, K punts from its 10 YL. R48 makes a valid fair catch signal but the wind blows the ball sideways, where it is caught by teammate R29 at the K32 YL. The HC coach of R reports that they will attempt a free kick. Setting in free kick formation, the kicker converts the field goal to take the lead.

  2. 4/4 on K25 YL. K95 punts the ball to the R35 YL where R22 makes a fair catch. R had 11 players in the formation, but a 12th player, incorrectly believing they should be in the game, ran onto the field and was in K’s backfield at the snap before realizing the mistake and running off the field. What are K’s options?

  3. 2/9 on B26 YL – A28 receives a backwards pass on the B30 YL. As he turns up field, A89 blocks B24 below the waist at the B28 YL. A28 is tackled at the B4 YL. The officials enforce a 15-yard penalty from the previous spot. The next down is 2/24 from the B41.

  4. 2/20 on B30 YL – A12 is scrambling in his backfield and throws the ball deep downfield just before being taken down by the facemask (15 YD penalty) at the 40 YL by B29.. The pass falls incomplete. The officials enforce the PF face mask call from the previous spot, making it 2/5 at the B15 YL.

  5. 2/7 A24 YL – A39 runs the ball to the A49 YL when B64 pulls him down backwards by the nameplate of the jersey (Horse Collar), causing him to fumble. Part of the HC Foul occurs during the fumble. A67 picks up the loose ball and advances to the B26 YL & is tackled. The officials give the A HC the option to penalize B 15 yards from the A49 YL or decline the penalty and take the ball at the B26.

  6. 4/7 K47 YL – K14’s punt is muffed by R49 at the R20 YL. While chasing the loose ball, R75 holds K41 at the R12 YL. R recovers the ball and is downed immediately at the R16 YL. The officials enforce the 10-yard holding penalty from the R16 YL. Half the distance to the GL, making it 1/10 from the R8 YL.

  7. 3/10 50 YL – With 28 seconds left in the first half, A14 throws a legal forward pass to A39. B68 roughs the passer (RTP) on the A46. A39 is tackled at the B26 YL with six seconds remaining. The RTP penalty is enforced by going half the distance to the goal (+13 YL). The appropriate Wing then asks the A HC if he would like to have the GC start on the snap, which they do.


  1. A takes a time out midway through the third quarter. As the teams return to the field, the U notices that the scoreboard still shows that each team has its full allotment of three time outs for the half. After communicating to the press box to change the scoreboard, it is still not changed as the teams are breaking the huddle.

  2. 3/1 A46 YL – The ball is spotted on the left hash. A comes out in a tight, short-yardage formation. In order to be 10 yards from the nearest A receiver, the wing comes in between the numbers and the right hash mark.


  1. Prior to the start of your Week 1 game, the home team asks you to approve three new Nike Vapor footballs for play along with their contingent of Wilson GST footballs. The U agrees, checks and approves.