2022 Quiz 9
This week’s quiz is prepared by Jerry Peters in association with Beau Rugg and Dr. Bruce Maurer. Click here to view a PDF of the quiz along with the answers.
NFHS Rules
A,4/6@B’s12YL.A1throwsalegalforwardpasstoA2intheEZforaTD. DuringtheplayaflagisthrownonB1for defensive holding A2. The R signals the foul for defensive holding then the decline signal and raises his hands giving the TD signal.
A,4/8@B’s40YL.A1runstowardtheSLandishitbyB1anddrivenOOB@B’s33YL(shortoftheLTG).B2thenhits A1 OOB. The LJ flags B2 for the late hit. The R announces the foul for the late hit and states it will 1/10 for A @ B’s 18 YL.
A, 3/G @ B’s 2 YL. Team A players appear for the first play wearing different colored wrist bands. The Referee tells the players they must all wear the same colored wrist bands.
A1 runs for a 1st down and is tackled at B’s 40 YL. After the play A1 is flagged for UNS (dead ball). The R signals 1st down and then give the UNS signal. After enforcement, the chains are set at A, 1/25 @ A’s 45 YL. The R then gives the RFP signal.
A,2/10@B’s10YL.A1fumblestheball@B’s7YL.TheballisrecoveredbyA2@B‘s4YLandisadvancedforaTD. The R states the ball was dead where A1 lost possession and only A1 can recover and advance his own fumble.
A, 3/10 @ B’s 20 YL. Eligible A1 comes out of his team box as a substitute and runs quickly onto the field 2 yards and gets set just before the snap. A1 catches a pass for a TD.
A, 4/G @ B’s 8 YL. B1 intercepts A1’s pass in B’s EZ. B1 attempts to run the ball out of the EZ into the field of play. B1 runs to the opposite side of the EZ where he is downed in the EZ. The LJ and HL signal safety.
OHSAA Mechanics
Team A is on offense. The score is A-8, B-2 with 50 seconds to play in the 4Q. The HC of team A informs the officials his team is taking a knee. The Crew pinches in and informs all players that team A is taking a knee and nothing rough.
A, 2/7 @ B’s 40 YL. A40 runs OOB @ B’s 39 YL. The R and BJ go into B’s team box.
OHSAA Regulations
- A, 2/7 @ B’s 40 YL. A40 runs OOB @ B’s 39 YL. The R and BJ go into B’s team box.